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Von Hans v 06.06.2020 um 07:56 Uhr | melden
Dear dear dear Wolfgang,
You are my man, always full of the most fantastic jokes,
And now suddenly an extremely sad one was told about you.
Earth was gone, wind, waves and birds disappeared,
Then memories started to sing.
Hardly able to think or write,
I hope you found the most beautiful place to go to.
You for ever are my example to unite people,
Fighting for good, fighting for better and the best.
And you showed me how to keep on fighting.
Often for great atmospheres and a better world.
Just recent your son told me you are a firefighter too,
Just like my dad was for a living.
Dear dear dear Wolfgang,
Your spirit will always be my guide.
I will do my very best to continue the path I know you created.
The path to hunt sea mines by uniting NATO countries.
I miss you and wish everyone you leave behind your courage to go on.
The XXO,
Leuitanant Commander in the Royal Netherlands Navy