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von Frank Tennigkeit am 03.05.2021 - 17:23 Uhr | melden
The light burning twice as bright lasts only half as long...
We met, when you interviewed me for a new MA position end of 2018. You had a very clear view of patient value, super humor and you were a great team supporter. Thank you for a great time in 2019, when you were a key influencer of the new MA practice. I have learned so much from you about medical learning. The goals, the methodology, the strategy, your messianic abilities to convince colleagues from other departments of the benefits. You were a world leading expert in Med learning and changed so much at UCB. You had a scientific approach, you measured learning success. I recall the Immunology summit, organized by Dieter with many interactive workshops, which experts truly loved. You built a great team, led them to success and inspired them. You left a lasting impact on us all. All the best wishes for your family, Yours, Frank.