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von Jo Varney am 03.05.2021 - 11:54 Uhr | melden
Dear Thomas, thank you for all that you did - for challenging us, for demanding more, for never settling for anything less than the best possible effort. What a lot your opened my eyes to and taught me. Thank you Thomas. I have many memories of working with you - travelling to Singapore and doing the APMEC conference and trips to Brussels. I vividly remember meeting you for the first time in London - an inspirational and memorable occasion - and you were kind enough to email us afterwards to thank us for our time... Little did we know then, that this first meeting would be the start of a collaboration with you that would change how many of us perceived our view of what good education looked like. You have made an indelible mark on my life and career and I will be forever grateful for this. What a pleasure and privilege to have known you albeit fleetingly Thomas, thank you. Much love to your family and loved ones. Jo XX