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von Irpin am 04.04.2022 - 18:51 Uhr | melden
Anatoly Berezhnyi -`✞´- Ruhe in Frieden -`✞´- Rest in Peace -`✞´-
Анатолий Діана Бережной Анатолій Шматок Діана
Fluchthelfer Anatoly Berezhnyi stirbt am 06. März 2022 in Irpin bei der Rettung einer Familie
We experienced the loss and incredible pain – our brother Anatoliy Berezhnyi died,” the pastor said. “He actively served the last three days during the evacuation of the civilian population. Mortar fire caught up with him in the back as he helped a mother with two children get to the evacuation buses.”
Above: Anatoliy and Diana Berezhnyi
Mr Berezhnyi was on a bombed-out bridge leading 43-year-old Tetania Perebyinis and her two children – 18-year-old son Mykyta and daughter, Alisa, who was 9. They were several hundred metres short of the bus boarding area when an explosion sent shrapnel toward them, killing the family and mortally wounding Mr Berezhnyi.
A New York Times photographer caught the scene as Ukrainian soldiers tried to help Mr Berezhnyi, who died on the roadway. Mrs Perebyinis’ husband and church members saw the photo on Twitter, which is how they were informed of the tragedy.