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Von Marco Schepers 05.01.2022 um 07:46 Uhr | melden
Still amazed by the message received during the holiday, unbelievable. During the last years we have had several closer contacts due to Sonia being part of our next step program. Besides leading it, Sonia was part of our team and participated as such as well. In our last review Sonia mentioned the new team setup the new challenges and new excitement that would bring, unfortunate only short Sonia has been able to be part of that. I like to thank you, Sonia, for those great review moments, during our training but also offline, you have been inspiring to make some changes and make some next steps. thanks you for all those discussions. Wish we could have continued that, With deep sadness I say farewell! To all those we stay behind, I wish you strength to process this sad loss!