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Gedenkseite für Oliver Georg Schunter
Oliver Georg Schunter wurde im Sommer am 17. August 1965 in Schwäbisch Gmünd geboren und starb am 05. Juli 2017 mit 51 Jahren in Vaterstetten. Er wurde im Tierkreiszeichen Löwe geboren.
Leave Out All The Rest
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When Im done here?
So, if youre asking me, I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that Ive done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And dont resent me
And when youre feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Dont be afraid
Ive taken my beating
Ive shared what Ive made
Im strong on the surface
Not all the way through
Ive never been perfect
But neither have you
So, if youre asking me, I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that Ive done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And dont resent me
And when youre feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside youve learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I cant be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that Ive done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And dont resent me
And when youre feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside youve learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I cant be who you are
I cant be who you are