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von Alex Ulrich am 09.12.2022 - 14:43 Uhr | melden
8. Dezember 2022 Mohsen Shekari
† 08.12.2022 - Iran Revolution
محسن شکاری; بدنیا آمدن
Mohsen Shekari ( persisch : محسن شکاری ; gestorben am 8. Dezember 2022) war ein 23-jähriger Iraner , der hingerichtet wurde, nachdem er für schuldig befunden worden war, ein Mitglied der iranischen Basij - Miliz verletzt und „Krieg gegen Gott geführt“ zu haben. Shekaris Hinrichtung ist bemerkenswert, da sie die erste ist, von der bekannt ist, dass sie als direkte Folge der Mahsa-Amini-Proteste von 2022 stattgefunden hat . Shekaris Hinrichtung wurde sofort von
Menschenrechtsorganisationen verurteilt.
محسن شکاری (فارسی: محسن شکاری؛ درگذشته 8 دسامبر 2022) یک جوان 23 ساله ایرانی بود که پس از محکومیت به مجروح کردن یکی از اعضای بسیجی ایران و «جنگ با خدا» اعدام شد. اعدام شکاری به این دلیل قابل توجه است که اولین اعدامی است که در نتیجه مستقیم اعتراضات مهسا امینی در سال ۲۰۲۲ انجام شده است. اعدام شکاری با محکومیت فوری سازمان های حقوق بشری مواجه شد.
Mohsen Shekari محسن شکاری; بدنیا آمدن 08.12.2022, Iran 23 Jahre hingerichtet Hinrichtung grave Grab google twitter TikTok Wikipedia Instagram WhatsApp † 08.12.2022 - Iran Revolution
On 25 September 2022, Shekari attended a protest in Tehran, Irans capital city, where he allegedly blocked or closed off a main road in Tehran, Sattar Khan Street, and stabbed a member of the Basij militia, which was sent in to quell the protests, with a machete.
The militiaman required 13 stitches in his left shoulder as a result of the stabbing. The Iranian judiciarys news agency Mizan reported on Shekaris charges following the execution; he was also accused of being a "rioter."
Shekari allegedly confessed that a friend encouraged him to attend the protests and offered him a bribe to assault a police officer.[3]
Shekaris trial took place on 1 November 2022, presided over by Judge Abolqasem Salavati. According to the United States Department of the Treasury, Salavati is at risk of being sanctioned by the United States for overseeing cases "in which journalists, attorneys, political activists and members of Irans ethnic and religious minority groups were penalized for exercising their freedom of expression and assembly and sentenced to lengthy prison terms, lashes and even execution."[4] Shekari was found guilty of drawing a weapon "with the intention of killing, causing terror and disturbing the order and security of society," as well as moharebeh, or "enmity against God" under Sharia, the latter of which carries an automatic death sentence.[5] He was sentenced to death in what Iran Human Rights director Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam called a "show trial without any due process" in Irans Islamic Revolutionary Court. The Revolutionary Court traditionally holds trials behind closed doors in a process that has earned international criticism; accused parties are often not allowed to pick their own lawyers or review the evidence that will be used against them.
Shekari appealed the verdict. The Supreme Court of Iran upheld the verdict on 20 November 2022, despite the fact that Shekari was not represented by his lawyer at the time of the appeal.
Shekari was executed by hanging on the morning of 8 December 2022 His family waited outside the jail awaiting updates on his fate while the execution took place. He was 23 years old. The Tasnim News Agency, which has connections with Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps, confirmed that Shekaris execution had taken place, but did not provide any other information.While at least 459 protesters have been killed by police during the Mahsa Amini protests, Shekaris execution made him the first person confirmed to have been judicially executed for his role in the protests, which began in September 2022 as a result of the death of Mahsa Amini
Following the execution, Iranian state television aired heavily edited portions of Shekaris detention and trial. The footage showed Shekari limping down a hallway and offered excerpts from his testimony wherein he was wielding a knife and apparently reenacting the attack.
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