Mit einem Geschenk hinterlassen Sie Ihr persönliches Zeichen in Gedenken an Michael Joseph Jackson. Veredeln Sie jetzt für 2,99 Euro diese Gedenkseite durch ein Geschenk in Ihrem Namen.

Von Zaneta 16.04.2019 um 17:03 Uhr | melden
Thank you so much for your magic and your creativity. You bring the sun and the hope for a better tomorrow in our lives. I hope, that this light will always show you a way to us. No matter, where you are right now. We miss you with every single day and night, which passes in our lives, but it means, that we will never forget you and your legend.
I hope so much, that we see you one day again. Eventually in another form, or space, but we will be sure, that that is our Michael. I believe in that hope. Hope dies at least.
Love and many kisses for you.
Yours Żaneta.