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Von Tanja 04.02.2019 um 20:59 Uhr | melden
Sorry for all your pain.
Some people love you, some people hate you, but the important thing is, that you love yourself.
You are allways the greatest human in this world, you loved the people, the animals and the wohle world.
Thank you for your love.
I wish more people see what a lovley and adorable human you were.
I wish more people act like you.
I dont know what your feelings are on the subject, but i wisch you were here.
This world need more humans (angel) like you.
But sometimes i´m glad that you are 10 years after your death don´t notice that some people make old allegations again and again.
You was their butt of calumny. I´m soooo... sorry.
Cash is king. I´m soooo...sorry.
The humans learn something new excruciatingly slowly. Im so very sorry about that.
Some people wish they could heal the world. You were the one who did it. Now the balls in our court.
I cant get enough of your beautiful voice, your beautiful face and your beautiful soul.
You was the sexiest man alive (grin,grin)!
Under your music videos your fans drop a lot of lines.
e.g.: (I love it)
Michael Jackson sang, the world hoped.
Michael Jackson danced, the world smiled.
Michael Jackson laughed, the world laughed.
Micheal Jackson died,the world cried, but sang, danced, laughed because we know that´s what he would´ve wanted.
Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson and always will be.
We are all Michael Jackson when we cry, sing, dance and laugh!
(So beautiful) Amen!
Michael Jackson a lot of people miss you very much.
Ich wish i could have take all the pain, pressure and loneliness away off you.
I take my hat off to you!
King of Pop you are immortal!!!
I wish you all that your heart can desire.
I love you