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Von SEMRA OZBEK AKGOL 01.03.2021 um 20:47 Uhr | melden
What would happen if Markus would come one day and knocked our door? And one day you did it. I think our father would do the same, and you did it. So happy that you did it. You have find me I have met you, and we didnt lost contact after that visit in 2006. Last year, we have had almost every day contact. Did discussed and speak about so many things.
It is to early Markus to go. Too early to go. Cannot believe and will not. But now, I think you have find your father there, Osman, after sooo many years. As a child you have had a hard life I think but have lived your life good also. Say hello to Osman, do the greetings. Love u and RIP