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Von unkepunkt 05.03.2025 um 16:37 Uhr | melden
Hi mein toter Sohn...:), trying to smile while two boys ride their bikes beside. I was in a park strolling along with kami. Believe it or not, one was called Liam and the other jan. Fast as they could they went down a small hill in their youth and childhood.
Breathe me in and breathe me out, break me, break me out, i do not know if i ever not be sad. I don:t know if i could go ever without sadness since i got the information you killed yourself. It killes me softly and with a lot of breakdowns. The sun today showed the trees n black without any clouds. The first impression of the coming summer. The forth without you here on earth. Here on earth is everything as nice and brutal as ever or long time ago in the middle ages somehow. The humans are crazy. When they have nothing to do they live in hate. Someone or the wind (...) threw chickenbones on my flowers. I also hate somehow...people like that who have nothing to do just thinking how they can disturb with chickenbones and garbage. So sad. God thank you that these people are not the majority. They will suffer in the same way they disturb others. I prefer good music to disturb or wonderful eating with it:s taste although cauliflower or Brussels sprout or mangold, kohlrabi with its smell breaking through walls against dead birds in front of my window. It was not a good idea of mine to think about in our past that you could live here. It is a toxic place where i stay, no good place to say the truth but affordable for me. We never spoke english together, so sad that we had so little time, my dear son, my little prince, my lord. We never danced together. We was just five years. You never got to know how a konfirmation is. So sad. Sleep and hopefully never come back in this world.
Yours mom called kia who had a different surname than yours in Love forever because you changed me totally and showed me how sad life can be or is, sorry my dear and beloved child.