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Von Mama 16.03.2018 um 05:35 Uhr | melden
If I knew the pain and hurt and stress of it all, it wouldn’t matter. If I knew that I would only be able to hold you for just so long, it wouldn’t change a single thing. If I knew the tears I would cry, out of a sea of millions, I would search until I could look you in the eye, and I would call you mine and choose you. Again. And again. And again.
You’re worth it all. You always were. You always will be.
And me? I’m the lucky one. The lucky one who knew you. Who carried you. Whose life will forever be divided into a before and after because of you.
You will forever have my love. Till my last breath and every moment after.
No matter the distance, I’ll find my way back to you.
-Lexi Behrndt