Mit einem Geschenk hinterlassen Sie Ihr persönliches Zeichen in Gedenken an Herbert-Herby Figger. Veredeln Sie jetzt für 2,99 Euro diese Gedenkseite durch ein Geschenk in Ihrem Namen.
Ladies and gentlemen
Mr. Christy Dignam
This song means so much to me.
How can I protect you in this crazy world
Its alright, yeah
Its alright
I have fallen down so many times
Dont know why, dont know where
Dont care less its all the same
I have traveled through so many towns
Dont know why, dont know where
Dont care less its all the same
How can I protect you in this crazy world
Its alright, yeah
Its alright
Can ya hear the sound of nothing, nothing?
Nothings right, nothings wrong
Dont care less its all the same
Love is blind, love is real
Dont ya know that love is what you feel
Its alright, yeah its alright
How can I protect you in this crazy world
Its alright, yeah
Its alright
And when the talkings over
All the crowd has gone
Theres Nothing left I can do
Am I ever gonna get through to you?
Its alright, Its alright