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Early life
Hardy Krüger was born in Wedding, Berlin, in 1928. Krügers parents were ardent Nazis and he stated in a 2016 interview that he was "raised to love Hitler".From 1941, he attended an elite Adolf Hitler School at the Ordensburg Sonthofen. At the age of 15, Hardy made his film début in Alfred Weidenmanns The Young Eagles.
In March 1945, Krüger was assigned to the 38th SS Division Nibelungen and was drawn into heavy combat. The 16-year-old Krüger was ordered to shoot at an American squad.When he refused, he was sentenced to death for cowardice, but another SS officer countermanded the order. Krüger described this experience as his break with Nazism. He afterwards served as a messenger for the SS, but later escaped and hid out in Tyrol until the end of the war. He was a member of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and frequently spoke publicly against extremism and for democracy, citing his own experiences.
Life and work
Hardy Krüger at the Locarno film festival in 1955
Krüger continued his acting career after the Second World War with small stage roles. He could not afford to attend an acting school. He established himself as a German film star during the 1950s, appearing in Die Jungfrau auf dem Dach (1953), the German version of The Moon is Blue, directed by Otto Preminger. Krüger sought international roles because he found the German Heimatfilm cinema of the 1950s rather shallow.[11] He first came to the attention of English language audiences in the 1957 British war film The One That Got Away, the story of Franz von Werra, the only German prisoner of war to successfully escape from Allied custody and return to Germany.
In 1960, Krüger bought Ngorongoro, a farm in the Tanganyika Territory (now part of Tanzania), which he owned for 13 years. Ngorongoro and the area around it served as the setting for the film Hatari! (1962), directed by Howard Hawks, in which Krüger appeared with John Wayne.
Fluent in German, English, and French, Kruger worked in numerous European and American films. He had the leading role in the Oscar-winning Sundays and Cybele (1962), and a key role as the German engineer in the original version of The Flight of the Phoenix (1965). Other films he acted in include the comedy-drama The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969), in which he played a German officer during the Second World War trying to find hidden wine in a small Italian town; Stanley Kubricks Barry Lyndon with Ryan ONeal (1975); Richard Attenboroughs A Bridge Too Far, sharing a scene with Laurence Olivier, 1977; and The Wild Geese with Richard Burton (1978). Because of his stereotypical "Teutonic" look (blond hair and blue eyes), Krüger often played German soldiers.
Krüger and his wife Anita in 2013
In the late 1980s, Krüger largely retired from acting and became a writer, including novels, travel books and memoirs. He published 16 books from 1970 onwards. Four of them have been translated into English. He also directed a number of European television documentaries showing his travels around the world.
Personal life and death
Krüger had his first child Christiane Krüger (born 1945) with his future wife Renate Densow (1918–2006) when he was only 17 years old. Krüger and Densow were married from 1950 to 1964.
His second marriage, to the Italian painter Francesca Marazzi, lasted from 1964 to 1977. He and Marazzi had two children, Malaika Krüger (born 1967) and Hardy Krüger Jr. (born 1968).
Krüger married his third wife, Anita Park, in 1978. They lived in California and Hamburg. In the 1960s and 1970s, Krüger lived at the ranch "Hatari Lodge" (where the film Hatari! was filmed) at the foot of Mount Meru, Tanzania.
Krüger died at his home in Palm Springs, California, on 19 January 2022, at the age of 93.
Selected filmography
Junge Adler [de] (Young Eagles) (1944) as Heinz Baum, called "Bäumchen" (little tree)
Ill Never Forget That Night (1949) as Eugen Schröter
Kätchen für alles (1949) as acting student
Das Fräulein und der Vagabund (1949) as Karl
The Girl from the South Seas (1950) as Richard Kirbach
Insel ohne Moral (1950) as Manfred
You Have to Be Beautiful (1951) as Juppi Holunder Jr.
My Friend the Thief (1951) as Bimbo
My Name is Niki (1952) as Paul
I Cant Marry Them All (1952) as Edi
Illusion in a Minor Key (1952) as Paul Alsbacher
The Moon Is Blue (1953) as Tourist (uncredited)
Die Jungfrau auf dem Dach (1953) as Donald Gresham
As Long as Youre Near Me (1953) as Stefan Berger
Must We Get Divorced? (1953) as Andreas von Doerr
I and You (1953) as Peter Erdmann
The Last Summer (1954) as Rikola Valbo
An der schönen blauen Donau (1955) as König Richard
Der Himmel ist nie ausverkauft [de] (1955) as Michael
Alibi (1955) as Harald Meinhardt
Liane, Jungle Goddess (1956) as Thoren
Die Christel von der Post (1956) as Horst Arndt, assistant police detective
Banktresor 713 [de] (1957) as Klaus Burkhardt
The Fox of Paris (1957) as Capt. Fürstenwerth
The One That Got Away (1957) as Franz Von Werra
Confess, Doctor Corda (1958) as Dr. Fred Corda
Bachelor of Hearts (1958) as Wolf Hauser
The Rest Is Silence (1959) as John H. Claudius
Blind Date (1959) as Jan-Van Rooyer
The Goose of Sedan (1959) as Fritz Brösicke
Cry Double Cross [de] (Bumerang) (1960) as Robert Wegner
Un taxi pour Tobrouk (1961) as le capitaine Ludwig von Stegel
Two Among Millions (1961) as Karl
The Dream of Lieschen Mueller (1961, cameo) as Autograph hunter
Hatari! (1962) as Kurt Muller
Sundays and Cybele (Les dimanches de ville dAvray) (1962) as Pierre[
Three Fables of Love (1962) as El rubio (segment "La mort et le bûcheron")
Le Gros Coup [fr] (1964) as Frank Willes
The Uninhibited (1965) as Vincent
Le Chant du monde (1965) as Antonio
The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) as Heinrich Dorfmann
The Defector (1966) as Counselor Peter Heinzmann
La Grande Sauterelle [fr] (1967) as Carl
Le Franciscain de Bourges [fr] (1968) as Alfred Stanke
The Lady of Monza (1969) as Father Paolo Arrigone
The Battle of Neretva (1969) as Kranzer
The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969) as Captain von Prum
The Red Tent (1969) as Aviator Lundborg
Das Messer [de] (1971, TV miniseries) as Jim Ellis
What the Peeper Saw (1972) as Paul
Le Solitaire [fr] (1973) as Eric Lambrecht
Paper Tiger (1975) as Müller
Barry Lyndon (1975) as Captain Potzdorf
Potato Fritz [de] (1976) as Potato Fritz
The Spy Who Never Was (Tod eines Fremden) (1976) as Arthur Hersfeld
À chacun son enfer [fr] (1977) as Commissare Bolar
A Bridge Too Far (1977) as Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Karl Ludwig
The Wild Geese (1978) as Lt. Pieter Coetzee
Blue Fin (1978) as Bill Pascoe
High Society Limited (1982) as Harms
Wrong Is Right (1982) as Helmut Unger
The Inside Man (1984) as Mandell
War and Remembrance (1988–1989, TV miniseries) as Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Familiengeheimnisse – Liebe, Schuld und Tod (2011, TV film) as Victor Frey