Mit einem Geschenk hinterlassen Sie Ihr persönliches Zeichen in Gedenken an Eva Cassidy. Veredeln Sie jetzt diese Gedenkseite durch ein Geschenk in Ihrem Namen.
von Gerhard Rinderle am 01.10.2023 - 13:42 Uhr | melden
James Parker says:
27 January 2021
So, I “discovered” Eva’s music a few years ago. I am 53 and wish I was aware of her recordings sooner. There truly is a conviction in her songs that she sings. What an amazing, seemingly effortless even, a performance that doesn’t even feel like a performance. It is like she IS the song she sings.
Mac Fleetwood got it right and without fancy words nailed that something she had – IT.
Quelle :
Sadly, too far and between do the artists, performers, and genuine people appear in our lives. Whether in person or otherwise and how lucky we are that we may celebrate their lives through their recordings that are left behind.