Mit einem Geschenk hinterlassen Sie Ihr persönliches Zeichen in Gedenken an Eugene Curran Gene Kelly. Veredeln Sie jetzt für 2,99 Euro diese Gedenkseite durch ein Geschenk in Ihrem Namen.

Von Gerie-Pia Adam-Taylor 23.08.2021 um 02:31 Uhr | melden
Hallo Gene,
109 years ago you were born today and have becorne a wonderful
person. You delighted and enchanted the world with your perfect
works. Seeing you was always a pleasure. We can`t hug you anymore
and look into your beautiful dark eyeseither. We also miss your magical
smile very much. Now we sit in a small group by candlelight and your
Photo and look at the sky. Your Star shines brightly and we send you
a light and say: We love you und we see you in our Dreams.