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Von Martina Occelli 19.01.2024 um 17:02 Uhr | melden
I woke up yesterday to a note telling me that you were gone, Detlef. It took me two days to have the courage to open this link and jot something down. You have been the first person giving me a shot in my working life: I was just out of school and you hired me, back in 2016. You gave me an opportunity but most importantly, a white page to develop my own profile and space within the company: how many people have the courage to do that? You taught me a profession, but most of all, you taught me an attitude: to be brave, embrace challenges, step up, put yourself at the center of the game. If I achieved what came next in life, it has been thanks to this proactive and optimistic behavior you always encouraged me to have. It has been almost 4 years since I stopped working at Cleopa, but I do remember everything you taught me. I own you a lot and I will never forget that.
Wherever you are now, I am sure you are smiling and encouraging everyone to do more!
With love,