Clemens Vesely


Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt am Main

ZurückAus dem Videoarchiv: Fly like an Eagle

I know it cant of been easy
With all that life has thrown at you
And though sometimes you came close
To giving up
It never broke the strength in you

When people try to break you down
With the hurtful things they say
If you rise above to your higher mind
Youll never be the bird they cage

Fly like an eagle
Cos you were born to fly
Dont let them break your spirit now
Or take away your light
You can rise above their darkness
Cos theyll never reach your height
Just fly like an eagle
Cos you -
Yes you were born to fly

When darkness falls around you
And youre stuck without an escape
Theres no one around
Who will lift you out
Of that dark and lonely place

When the weight of the world is on your shoulders
You feel your dreams will never take flight
If you rise above to your higher mind
Youll find your way up to the sky

Fly like an eagle
Cos you were born to fly
Dont let them break your spirit now
Or take away your light
You can rise above their darkness
Cos theyll never reach your height
Just fly like an eagle
Cos you -
Yes you were born to fly

Free from all that frustration
And the pressure thats in your life
You can rise above the negativity
If you just use your higher mind

Fly like an eagle
Cos you were born to fly
Dont let them break your spirit now
Or take away your light
You can rise above their darkness
Cos theyll never reach your height
Just fly like an eagle
Cos you -
Yes you were born to fly

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