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Von Kenan Yildirim 31.01.2023 um 21:57 Uhr | melden
Dear Christoph,
Our first meeting with you was in 1986 in İstanbul. We had quite funny memories with you in the Pertek mine and in the Black Sea.
The last time we connected was on 27.12.2022. Your children and your wife were with you in Singapore and you wrote that you were very happy.
It was not easy for me to hear abouy your loss and I could not believe it I am so sorry and I wish patience your family on this sad day, we will miss you and you be always in our mind.
Dear Christoph family,
Please accept my deepest condolences for your family’s loss. Words are not enough to express our sadness. We never lose the people we like. They live with us in our hearts for the rest of our lifes.
Best Regards
Kenan Yıldırım