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Von Fanny 30.01.2023 um 11:06 Uhr | melden
Dearest Chris,
You had been like a grandpa figure to me.
Always nagging at me, and me nagging at you.
I remember when I just go to know you, I was happy to find a friend who smoked and drank, and these brought us one step closer.
You would share with me your interesting life stories, your secrets, your sadness and your joy.
We would talk about anything serious to weird things like how you managed to order some comfy pants from local website. You were proud to be in Singapore and you bragged sometimes how local you were than I am.
You had a load of heavy responsibilities but you never fail them no matter how tired you are. Full of optimism, as long as you have a beer in your hand.
In our many conversations, you would always end them with "Take Care Girl".
And these are exactly the last words to me before you left.
No amount of words can replace my memories of you.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Thank you for your naggings.
Thank you for the friendship.
I will miss you.