Christian Raible



ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze lila geschwungen

Von Deiner Tami 13.07.2024 um 19:13 Uhr | melden

Unlocked my phone, and watched the world die
Theyre crying to God while they run for their lives
Blood in the streets, bombs in the skies
I hope you had dreams come true
I hope they see in their crosshairs what I see in you
And I hope and I pray
Cause thats all I can do
I dont understand who is good or bad
They dont care as long as you got oil sands
We need something fast, we need something bad
More than guns and tanks
Where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?
I turn on the news and watch the world fight
Thousands of men making widows of wives
Ill be home soon, walked off in the night
I will remember you
I know its shoot or be shot, and theyre men just like you
But I hope and I pray
Cause thats all I can do
I dont understand who is good or bad
They dont care as long as you got oil sands
We need something fast, we need something bad
More than guns and tanks
Where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?
Soon you wont need a TV or an iPhone to see because
You will look out the window and boom!
I dont understand who is good or bad
They dont care as long as you got oil sands
We need something fast, we need something bad
More than guns and tanks
Where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?
Oh-oh-oh, where is Superman?

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