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Von Gabriela Hoek 22.06.2023 um 03:37 Uhr | melden
I still cry for you my friend. Im convinced we have multiple loves in our life, You were a big one. You taught me about a horrible excruciating pain, grief and distress. But you also taught me that even in the dark theres a beautiful childs laughter, a poets last prose and a desperate desire for being better. Thank you for your short beautiful life, you gave me one. You honestly gave me the life I have. Following you, I ended up in here. Now I live in the Netherlands. I feel you near me when I listen to trumpets, my jazz and I see your letter. Im just so incredibly sad you arent here anymore, that you couldnt turn it around. But you tried my love. Im incredibly proud of you for your efforts. Im so sorry for your beloved mom who you always described as an angel. As a mom myself, I cant start to understand... Dear Kathrin. I hope one day, if possible I get to meet you. Thank you for raising a good man, a man that had a massive heart and the most contagious smile. All my love and strength go to your family, my Brian, Im gratefully and in forever debt for your meaningful life. You were the one who for some time was my confident, hopes, best friend and love.
Rest in music, my dearest Brian.
Te amo siempre,
Your Gaby