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Von Arnika Ghaem Maghami 23.10.2024 um 13:57 Uhr | melden
Arnika Ghaemmaghami
Women, Life, Freedom
Name: Arnika Ghaemmaghami
Fathers Name: Unknown
Mothers Name: Unknown
City of Birth: Tehran
State of Birth: Tehran
Date of Birth: 2005-12-11
City of Death: Tehran
State of Death: Tehran
Date of Death: 2022-10-22
AUSIRAN has some unverified information about this martyr, which is yet to be confirmed.
Arnika Ghaem Maghami, born on December 11, 2005, was a 17-year-old girl whose life was tragically cut short in the midst of the 2021 Iran protests. On October 22, 2022, after enduring days of brutal beatings by the Islamic Republic’s security forces, Arnika succumbed to her injuries, resulting in brain death at Nedaaja Golestan Hospital in Tehran. Her final resting place is in Behesht Zahra, section 43, marking a solemn testament to the cost of seeking freedom and justice in Iran.
The young Arnika’s death occurred against the backdrop of widespread unrest following the government-sanctioned killing of Jina Amini. Arnika, like many others, was caught in the violent crackdown by the anti-riot units of the Islamic Republic, which targeted unarmed protesters with lethal force. For 10 agonizing days, she fought for her life in a coma, only to lose the battle, leaving behind a grieving family and a nation enraged by the injustice of her death.
The government, in an attempt to obscure the true nature of Arnika’s death, claimed she had fallen from a building, a narrative it has repeatedly employed to explain away the deaths of protesters, including children, during the 2021 protests. Such claims have been widely dismissed by the public and human rights organizations as baseless attempts to deflect responsibility for the violence inflicted upon demonstrators.
Arnika’s story is one of courage in the face of tyranny, a young life dedicated to the pursuit of a better future for her country. Despite the Islamic Republic’s efforts to silence dissent and manipulate the circumstances of her death, Arnika’s legacy endures as a poignant reminder of the human cost of the struggle for freedom and dignity in Iran. Her family was coerced into accepting the state’s version of events in exchange for her body, a cruel final indignity that underscores the regime’s disregard for both the living and the dead.