Ann - Christin Hahn

Ann - Christin

Seyne les Alpen - Le Vernet

ZurückEine brennende Kerze: Kerze creme Engel
A good morning message to you

Von Sue and Lucy 06.04.2018 um 09:38 Uhr | melden

Good morning Ann-Christin, I read this poem this morning and it really hit me. All of the sudden I had to think of that horrible tragic airplane crash that has shocked the world. I have not forgotten you and the other 148 victims. I remember when my friend Lucy and I heard the news that among the passengers were sixteen students and two teachers. It made our hearts bleed and our first thought were: so many grieving parents. We talked about it for days, weeks, months and we still do. Nothing is as devastating as losing a child it will changed your life forever. My heart goes out to you Ann-Christin you were absolutely beautiful.

Here the poem:

If heaven had a window and God granted me a view,
of all the beauty it beholds, Id only look for you.
Id listen for your laughter that was always music to me,
your beautiful hair and hazel eyes is what Id wish most to see.
If I could only view once more the smile that warmed my heart,
Id treasure that moment as long as I live and we must be apart.
Here on earth I search for you and pray to God for signs,
and every day that passes youre still with me in my mind.

Sue Young from the UK

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