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Gedenkseite für Angelika Steverding
Angelika Steverding wurde im Sommer am 01. September 1967 geboren und starb am 17. Juni 2020 mit 52 Jahren in Bayern. Sie wurde im Tierkreiszeichen Jungfrau geboren.
Its been a long day without you, my friend
And Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
Weve come a long way from where we began
Oh Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn, who knew all the planes we flew
Good things weve been through
That Ill be standing right here
Talking to you about another path I
Know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldnt last
Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when familys all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
Its been a long day without you, my friend
And Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
Weve come a long way from where we began
Oh Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and whats
Small turn to a friendship, a friendship
Turn into a bond and that bond will never
Be broken and the love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first then the line
Will never be crossed established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn and that line is what
We reach so remember me when Im gone
How could we not talk about family when familys all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
So let the light guide your way hold every memory
As you go and every road you take will always lead you home
Its been a long day without you, my friend
And Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
Weve come a long way from where we began
Oh Ill tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
wir waren nicht nur Freunde, wir waren wie Schwestern,
wir haben alles geteilt und nichts könnte jemals zwischen uns stehen
nicht einmal dein Tod...
du wirst immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen haben!